As the name suggests, this type of custom field is designed to collect any text data. You can enter up to 1000 characters.
What it’s used for
You can use a text field to enter:
- Contact details such as mailing address, city, province or phone number. You can then use the information to automatically target contacts by region, using dynamic groups.
- A sequence of alphanumeric data for which you want the format to remain as you entered it. For example, a customer number starting with zero (e.g. 000123) would be modified in Integer fields, the first zeros would be automatically removed.
- Unique coupon codes to customize offers.
- Custom web addresses (URLs). You can then insert personalized links to each recipient when sending campaigns.
- The name of the representative responsible for each customer to personalize the signature of your emails or build different lists using each employee’s clientele.
Recommended format to import your text data
The only restriction for this type of field is that there is a maximum of 1000 characters.
How to search for specific text data
Target your contacts efficiently and create lists using specific criteria found in the content of your text fields, with the help of advanced search, dynamic groups and automated segmentation scenarios.
To ensure the effectiveness of the search filters below, make sure to follow the same format when entering your data. What not to do: sometimes you write “Montreal”, and on occasion you use the short form “Mtl”. If you search for contacts in the city of "Montreal", those containing "Mtl" will not appear in the search results.
In text fields, you can search for text data using to the following filters:
- is equal to ...
- is not equal to ...
- starts with …
- ends with …
- contains ...
- is set
- is not set