Upcoming Maintenance on September 30, 2024: Please note that our service will be temporarily interrupted for some maintenance on Monday, September 30, 2024, from 10PM to 1AM (EDT). During this period, the application will be inaccessible and some statistics may not be compiled. Also, some functionalities may be interrupted and any scheduled emails will be sent once the service is restored. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Searching contacts

What type of contact are you searching for?

Search for a subscriber

Click on the "Contacts" menu.

Enter the email adress you are searching for in the search field and click on the search icon (or hit Enter)

To search for one or many contacts corresponding to specific criteria, click on the "Advanced search" link next to the search field.

Sort contacts

You can sort your contacts and search results by: Email, Name, Subscription date and consent date.

Click here to know how to select the contacts of your search result to add them to a group.

Search an unsubscribed, deleted or incorrect adress

To search for an unsubscribed, deleted or incorrect adress, click on the "Contacts" menu.

Move through the different tabs : unsubscribed, deleted and incorrect adresses and use the search field to find the contact you're looking for.

You can sort your unsubscribed contacts by email or unsubscription date, and your incorrect adresses by email or the date they were removed.
