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How to keep columns side-by-side on mobile

Did you know that our predrawn and smart templates, as well as all templates built with our drag-and-drop editor, are compatible with most mobile devices? In fact, our templates and their blocks are designed to be automatically responsive on this type of platform. By default, rows that have more than one column will transform on mobile so that each of them is displayed one below the other, like this:

Desktop preview


Mobile preview in responsive mode


Since a phone's screen is much smaller than a computer's, this allows for a clear view of the text, images and buttons in each column. 

However, there may be times when, for artistic or strategic reasons, you prefer to keep the columns side by side, even if it reduces the size of the content on mobile. This could be the case to illustrate a table, for example. 

To prevent your columns from being displayed one below the other, simply check the Keep columns side-by-side option found in the Block properties


Don't forget to check the result in the mobile preview. You can also send a test email to an email address you have that you can open on mobile. The more columns your block has, the narrower they will be on the mobile screen so that they can be displayed in one row, a word that is too long or a font size that is too big could cause display problems. Take the time to test your email

